It’s with great excitement and gratitude that we raise a glass to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Coast to Coast Genetic Genealogy Services (CCGG). Since our launch on May 16, 2022, we have embarked on a remarkable journey, making significant strides and touching the lives of countless individuals along the way.

From the very beginning, we recognized the power of collaboration. We have formed impactful partnerships with law enforcement agencies and forensic labs, united by a shared mission to bring justice to families and unravel unsolved crimes. Through our investigative genetic genealogy services, we have become a beacon of hope, providing crucial leads that offer renewed optimism and the possibility of resolution.

Yet, our mission extends far beyond the realm of crime-solving. Over the past year, we have had the privilege of delving into the rich tapestries of our clients’ family histories, unearthing captivating narratives and shining a light on the forgotten chapters of their ancestors’ lives. Through our expertise, we have illuminated lost branches, pieced together ancestral puzzles, and revealed the stories of long-lost great-grandparents. Witnessing the profound joy and emotional connections that emerge from these discoveries has been an awe-inspiring and deeply humbling experience.

As we reflect on this momentous milestone, we are filled with gratitude for the support and trust bestowed upon us. To everyone who has been a part of our journey thus far – our dedicated team, our partners in law enforcement, and most importantly, our cherished clients – we extend our heartfelt appreciation. It is your belief in our mission that fuels our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on people’s lives.

Looking ahead, we are filled with boundless enthusiasm for what the future holds. We will continue to push the boundaries of investigative genetic genealogy, leveraging technology and collaboration to uncover the truth and rewrite the narratives of families affected by unsolved mysteries. Our resolve remains steadfast, our passion unwavering, as we strive to provide answers, closure, and healing to those who seek them.

Thank you for being part of our journey, and here’s to many more years of making a difference!

Whether you have a case submission or simply wish to connect with us, please feel free to reach out to us at